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Big data (Explained)

Big data is a term used to describe data sets of enormous size, such that they cannot be processed using traditional storage and retrieval methods. This can be anything from the amount of information stored by a company to the number of people in a city, but most commonly applied to large databases containing financial or scientific information.

What is big data?

Big data is a term that refers to the large volumes of data generated by digital systems. This can be anything from social media, mobile phone usage and email messages to financial transactions and sensor data from smart devices.

Big Data refers to any kind of information that is too large or complex for traditional database management tools (such as SQL) to handle.

Examples of big data

Big data is the collection, storage and analysis of large volumes of digital data. This can be anything from measurements and sensor readings to social media posts, mobile device usage and even the physical environment.


As with all things in life, there are many examples of big data:

  • Data from sensors: We have more than 50 billion sensors embedded in our environment today (e.g., temperature monitors), as well as wearables that track our health or activity levels (e.g., Fitbits). These devices send information about their surroundings back to us via Wi-Fi connections or cellular towers—and sometimes even directly over the airwaves!
  • Data from social media: Social media platforms like Facebook use algorithms to identify users’ interests based on their posts; this allows them to target specific ads at them based on what they’ve said before—and it also allows advertisers themselves access into these user’s lives through sentiment analysis tools like FollowerWise™ which allow marketers access into friend networks for targeted marketing campaigns.”

The three characteristics of big data

Big data is a term used to describe the large volumes and variety of unstructured information. It’s also often referred to as “massively” or “unbounded” because it doesn’t fit neatly into any one system or technology.

The three characteristics that define big data are:

  • Unstructured (vs. structured) – Big data comes from multiple sources, such as social media posts, emails and texts; sensor-based systems like traffic cameras; weather reports; images captured by satellites orbiting Earth; DNA sequences from patients’ medical histories; audio recordings from interviews with witnesses during criminal investigations or court proceedings etc.; etc., rather than being stored in one centralized location where you can search upon request for specific pieces of information within an organized database structure

Big data definition

Big data, or “big” for short, is the term used to describe the large and complex data sets that are too large and complex to process using traditional database systems.


Big data is collected from many sources such as sensors, social media pages, web click streams and mobile device location information. It can be analyzed with high-performance computing (HPC) systems that are able to handle large amounts of data quickly.

The value of big data and the challenges faced when storing or processing big data

The value of big data and the challenges faced when storing or processing big data.

Big data is a huge amount of data that can’t be stored in traditional database systems but must be processed by different analytical techniques. This can be done through algorithms, mathematical formulas that tell computers what to do next. It’s also possible to use statistical analysis techniques such as machine learning (ML) or deep learning as well as other methods related to pattern recognition – including clustering and vector space modeling – which allow us to find patterns in huge amounts of unstructured information represented by numbers without having any preconceived expectations about its meaning.

Also Read

Big Data is everywhere around you, but what is it exactly? Read this article to learn about its definition, applications, examples, and more.

Big Data is a term used to describe a large amount of information collected and analyzed by organizations. The term was coined by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier in 2013 when they published their book “Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think”.


Big data can be collected from many sources, including websites, sensors, mobile devices and more. For example:

  • You can collect sensor data from your car or smartphone that tracks where you drive over time; this is called “sensor” data because it’s recorded by sensors rather than humans.
  • You may use social media apps like Facebook for advertising purposes so you can target users based on their interests; this is called “social” media because it involves people talking with each other (in real life) on social networks like Facebook or Twitter instead of directly interacting with advertisers through traditional advertising methods such as TV commercials or radio ads during commercial breaks which require no interaction between consumers/users/viewers at all!


While big data is a term that we are all familiar with, it can be difficult to define and understand. This article will help you understand what big data is and how it affects our lives by explaining its three characteristics: volume, variety and velocity.

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