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E Horizon: All you need to know about the layer parallel to the soil surface

E Horizon: All you need to know about the layer parallel to the soil surface 2

E Horizon: All you need to know about the layer parallel to the soil surface

Soil, the organically active, permeable medium that has developed in the uppermost layer of Earth’s covering. Soil is one of the head bases of life on Earth, serving as a reservoir of water and nutrients, as a medium for the filtration and breakdown of damaging wastes, and as a member in the cycling of carbon and other elements through the worldwide ecosystem.

It has evolved through weathering processes driven by organic, climatic, geologic, and geographical influences. Since the rise of agriculture and forestry in the eighth millennium BCE, there has additionally arisen by necessity a functional awareness of soils and their management.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Industrial Revolution welcomed increasing pressure on the soil to produce crude materials demanded by commerce, while the development of quantitative science offered new opportunities for improved soil management.

The investigation of soil as a separate scientific discipline began about the same time with systematic investigations of substances that enhance plant development.


This underlying request has expanded to an understanding of soils as complex, dynamic, biogeochemical systems that are indispensable to the life cycles of terrestrial vegetation and soil-occupying living beings—and by extension to humankind too.

This article covers the structure, synthesis, and arrangement of soils and what these elements mean for soil’s role in the worldwide ecosystem. Likewise, the two most significant phenomena that degrade soils, erosion, and contamination, are discussed.

For a cartographic guide to the dispersion of the world’s significant soils, featuring connections to short descriptive entries on each dirt type, see the interactive world guide. Interactive soil guide of the world. Snap-on a continent to see a detailed guide of soil regions, with connections to articles on specific soils.

E Horizon: All you need to know about the layer parallel to the soil surface 3
E horizon (10-20cm) in a wet sandy soil that has pine (conifers) vegetation growing on it. Fe and OM have been removed and translocated in the B horizon below. There is a thin O horizon – pine needles above tape; an A horizon (0-10cm); and a B horizon (20-30+cm). Not that the A horizon boundary is not smooth nor abrupt indicating this has not been cultivated recently if ever. You can tell the difference between an A and E horizon by remembering: A horizons have a high OM content. E horizons have low OM content. E horizons often feel sandier (coarser) than the A horizon. E horizons are lighter in color than A horizons.

Soil horizons

Soils differ widely in their properties because of geologic and climatic variety over distance and time. Even a simple property, like the dirt thickness, can range from a few centimeters to many meters, depending on the intensity and length of weathering, episodes of soil deposition and erosion, and the patterns of landscape evolution.


Nevertheless, in spite of this changeability, soils have a unique primary characteristic that distinguishes them from mere earth materials and serves as a reason for their characterization: a vertical sequence of layers produced by the combined activities of percolating waters and living organic entities.

Soil profile

The dirt profile, showing the significant layers from the O horizon (natural material) to the R horizon (consolidated stone). A pedon is the smallest unit of the land surface that can be used to concentrate on the characteristic soil profile of a landscape.

These simple letter designations are supplemented twoly (see the table of soil horizon letter designations). Initial, two extra horizons are defined. Litter and decomposed natural matter (for example, plant and creature remain) that regularly lie exposed on the land surface above the A horizon are given the designation O horizon, whereas the layer immediately below A horizon that has been extensively leached (that is, gradually washed of certain contents by the activity of percolating water) is given the separate designation E horizon, or zone of eluviation (from Latin ex, “out,” and lavere, “to wash”).

The development of E horizons is favored by high precipitation and sandy parent material, two factors that help to ensure extensive water percolation. The strong particles lost through leaching are deposited in the B horizon, which then can be regarded as a zone of illuviation (from Latin il, “in,” and lavere).


A dirt horizon is a layer parallel to the dirt surface whose physical, chemical, and organic characteristics differ from the layers above and beneath. Horizons are defined much of the time by clear actual features, predominantly shading and texture. These might be described both in absolute terms (particle size circulation for texture, for instance) and in terms relative to the encompassing material, i.e. ‘coarser’ or ‘sandier’ than the horizons above and below.

E Horizon: All you need to know about the layer parallel to the soil surface 4
Small layer between A & B horizons. At depths of feet. Light in color, mainly sand & silt. Poor mineral and clay content due to leaching – the loss of water-retaining plant nutrients to the water table. Soil particles larger than in A horizon but smaller than in B horizon.

E horizon

The E horizon is a mineral horizon with the principle feature of eluvial loss of silicate dirt, iron, aluminum, silicon, or some blend of these, leaving a residual concentration of sand and sediment particles, and in which all or a significant part of the first structure of rock or unconsolidated geological material has been obliterated (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2015; Soil Survey Staff, 2014).

An E horizon is often light-colored and is underlain by an illuvial horizon. The E horizon might be essential for an ochre epipedon or potentially albic subsurface horizon and, together with illuvial horizons, it comprises a glossic subsurface horizon (Soil Survey Staff, 2014). In an examination of 3000 authority soil descriptions, Bockheim (2016) tracked down that an albic horizon was present in seven orders and could be ranked on an area premise: Alfisols > Spodosols > Ultisols > Mollisols > Inceptisols, Entisols > Aridisols. The mean thickness of the albic horizon was 19 cm however ranged from 90 cm in Alorthods to 3 cm in Xerolls.

Soil property variety in E horizons has been measured in Spodosols (Deurer et al., 2000; Vazhenin et al., 1969), in an Alfisol (Samouelian et al., 2011), and in a Ultisol (Stolt et al., 1993). The Spodosols showed a large variety in E horizon thickness


Sand content in E horizons showed lower variety than mud and sediment contents with mean CVs of 5% for sand, 16% for mud, and 12% for residue (Deurer et al., 2000; Samouelian et al., 2011; Stolt et al., 1993). In four Spodosols, the mean CVs were 30% (range of 12–45%) for SOC and 7% (range of 3–9%) for mass density (Deurer et al., 2000; Vazhenin et al., 1969). Vazhenin et al. (1969) measured the variety of elements in the E horizons of Spodosols. The Mn content showed the highest variety, and furthermore, Fe, Mg, and P contents had considerable variety. The lowest variety was found for K, Al, and Ca contents.

E Horizon: All you need to know about the layer parallel to the soil surface 5


In the initial segment of a simple demonstration to illustrate the development of low-natural matter E horizons in corrosive parent materials, dissolve a spot of FeSO4 in a water extract of somewhat decomposed leaves (customary dark tea will do), and pour the arrangement through some light-colored fine sand from an E horizon.

The water coming through is still tea-colored, and the pale E horizon retains its bleached E character. This could be considered an extreme example of the white sand-dark water phenomenon described by Jenny (1980), i.e., a pale mineral E horizon disassociated from natural matter that has been mobilized from the dirt profile, offering tone to the leaching waters.


In soils developed by the podzolization process in average or low-Mn parent materials, Mn(II) and Fe(II) both will tend to be reduced by natural residues in the corrosive environment, and both will be leached descending. Humus gathering in the surface mineral soil layer will be insignificant, and eventually, it will develop into an E horizon.

The natural matter appropriation picture in corrosive soils would be skewed in the extreme without mention of Al. In very corrosive soils containing just trace measures of Mn, the humified natural matter, for the most part, fulvic acids, is precipitated by Al, and is on the whole in the B horizon, beneath the E.

Spodosol criteria are based on the measures of accumulated Al-bound natural matter in the B horizon. In sandy Aquods, developed in inadequately drained parent materials in warm climates, both Fe and Mn tend to be reduced and move completely out of the upper profile, and E horizons above the Al–natural amassing frequently are more than a meter thick. Such profiles consistently will be basically devoid of Mn.

The E horizon appears lighter in shading than an associated A horizon (above) or B horizon (below). An E horizon has a lower dirt content than an underlying B horizon and often has a lower earth content than an overlying A horizon if An is present.


E horizons are more typical in forested areas because forests are in regions with higher precipitation and forest litter is acidic. However, landscape hydrology, for example, perched water tables, can result in the arrangement of an E horizon in the lower precipitation meadows, as seen in the profile below. The prevailing processes of an E horizon are losses.

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