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Magic Spell: All you need to know and how to perform

Magic Spell: All you need to know and how to perform 2

Magic Spell: All you need to know and how to perform

There is a need to know more about Magic Spell according to the trends. In this write up we will take a look at all there is to know about magic spells, how to cast them with example.
we explore the basics of at-home spell-making with regards to magic, detailing the process and procedure.

You’ve already cast a spell if you have doodled your crush’s name on a piece of paper, tossed a lucky penny into a fountain, or ever made a wish over birthday candles as all these practices are the tradition of spellcraft which are time-honored.

through various manifestation techniques, humans across cultures have explored their innate magic For generations. Therefore there are three types of magickal practices detailed celestial, natural and ceremonial.


at the intersection of the terrestrial and cosmic realms Celestial magick exists. from divine tradition and required the presence of a pious figure, such as a shaman, priestess, or priest we get Ceremonial magick. to direct energy through spellwork using herbs, stones, candles, and crystals we have Natural magick.

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To properly understand Magic spells, we first need to understand spellwork.
Spellwork means mean to direct energy therefore for cultivating your at-home craft here are some tips and tricks as spellwork is that it’s true for everyone when kicking off a magickal practice.

What Is Spellwork?
Spellwork is a powerful current described as the essence of existence that animates all natural things. It is has been explored around the world as the concept of a flowing life force.


It has been referred to as ka in ancient Egyptian religion, prana in Hindu philosophy, and qi in traditional Chinese medicine.

Within each individual is an entire cosmology that mirrors the expanse of the universe therefore spellwork is based on the belief As within all divination practices.

Spell-making requires no special privilege to do, a book of rules or creed as Fundamentally it is the art of raising, identifying, and directing your energy.

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The only required tool is your magickal intention while most practitioners enjoy using ingredients and tools in their spells anything performed with an incantation with magickal intention is known as a spell.

Rituals are just conduits for our innate power, they simply help us channel our own energy as Objects themselves are not inherently magick.

Your incantation can be a reaction to an event as your pursuit of a magickal manifestation should be a response to a burning need or desire as The most successful spells are those that originate with purpose.

Expect erratic results If you fuel your spell with frenzy, therefore, channel your magickal energy with, wisdom, focus, and empathy To create positive and meaningful outcomes.


Your temperament at the time of creation will always be reflected in The outcome of your manifestations therefore under extreme emotional stress it’s best to avoid crafting a spell.

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There are different types of spells based on how entities are joined Though there are infinite ways to create a spell. entities through concepts Ultimately, spells serve as intermediaries that unify.,

The time you choose to cast it which you can form with the tools you use to make your spell links between the intangible and the physical are Correspondences to a magic spell.


Find a bond that matches your interests or desired outcome As while are more contemporary for centuries Many correspondences have been honored an example will be saying Bloody Mary” in the mirror three times knowing that mirrors are now sometimes used as vessels for incantation.

Antipathy and Sympathy is another factor to consider regarding magic spells. two objects or entities joined in one realm will always unite in another realm is The practice of sympathy phenomenon of forces attracting one another while antipathy refers to the phenomenon of forces repelling one another.

Moving two symbolic candles closer together introducing lovers is a classic sympathy spell. To permanently remove someone from your life repels forces is on the other hand Antipathy.

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Contagion involves in some way even if physically separated Entities that have been in contact before will remain in contact. once in contact, always in contact is the notion on which contagion spells are based on.

It becomes a representation of your connection that can come to symbolize your closeness When you gift a loved one with a special charm.

You must obtain something that previously belonged to the target entity To perform contagious magick as your magickal intentions will be magnified through contagion Since there is already a cosmic link between the individual and object.

Inversion spells function as vaccines and are another form of magic spells. Inversion spells are used to stimulate magickal immunities If you believe you are a victim of a bad vibration, jinx or psychic attack.


To reflect ill wishes back on the spell-caster. Evil eye talismans or enchanted mirrors can be used to produce spiritual antibodies and build strength in small doses of symbolic toxins.

The cyclical quality of repetition builds a powerful heat that energetically charges any incantation Not only does creating a rhythm help focus intention as Magickal connections are created and fortified through repetition.

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Leave deep psychological impressions Another way you can incorporate repetition into your spells is through rhymes. creating an inextricable link between the physical and magickal strengthens your enchanted bonds creating a spell-based habit or repeatedly, reciting a chant.


Don’t be afraid to begin your practice Though it can be intimidating to create your first spell. to perform effective incantations you do not need to purchase expensive healing crystals.

Any object can become energetically charged Because the only required ingredient is magickal intention. Always be sure to keep track of your mystical devices as Tools maintain energy.

It will always be magickal once you repurpose an object and deem it enchanted which is the most important thing to remember.

If you’re not sure whether you should cast a particular spell, don’t as Whatever energy you direct will be returned to you with three times more power.


Always fuel your curiosities with love and kindness as Your magickal intentions define your spirit. The law of threefold return is the karmic principle of magick therefore you should never cast a spell out of malice or with the intention to cause harm to yourself or others.

Some societies believe that incorrect recitation can n cause the death of the practitioner and also nullify the magic.

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