Deborah Mays: What is Joe Namath’s ex-wife up to after her divorce? Here is what we know! 

Some individuals became popular because of their relationship – marriage or blood ties with an already known figure. While others who have already made a name for themselves to an extent became even more prominent because of their relationship with a big name. 

Deborah Mays

Deborah May is one of those people who gained more media attention due to her marriage to Joe Namath – a former football league player in America. 

Deborah Mays rose to prominence as the wife (now ex-wife) of Joseph William Namath, a former American Football League player, novelist, and actor. She is well-known for being affiliated with a celebrity, but she is also well-known for being an actress who starred in the television series The Greatest American Hero, which aired from 1981 to 1983.

From her marriage to Namath, the actress has two children, Jessica and Olivia. Learn everything there is to know about her childhood, work, marriage, and more.


The actress was born in the United States on September 1, 1964. She is 56 years old. 

Deborah Lynn Mays was born in Remington, Indiana, and grew up there. She was not well-known prior to her marriage to the former AFL star, and few details about her early life are available to the public.

Deborah Mays

Mays is best known for playing Tammy in the science fiction drama series The Greatest American Hero (1981-1983). Acting was a lifelong interest for the 56-year-old, and she continued to pursue it after her marriage to Namath. In the 1990s, she performed a Chekhov play in Manhattan, and her then-husband Namath paid to rent a theater for four days.

Mays has been also credited for her involvement in the Namath documentary (2012).

Deborah Mays and Joe Namath 

When they met in 1983, Mays was a successful actress, and Namath was just starting his second career as an actor. Their age gap did not prevent them from falling in love, and they began dating soon after. Joe Namath married Deborah in Florida in 1984. Joe Namath’s family extended as their daughter, Jessica Grace Namath, was born in 1986 and their last child, Olivia Rose Namath, was born in 1991.

Joe and Deborah became grandparents in 2007 when their daughter Olivia, then 16 years old, gave birth to her daughter Natalia. Their daughter Jessica gave them two more grandchildren, John and Jenna.

Deborah Mays

Namath struggled with alcoholism throughout their marriage, and it became such a problem for them that Mays threatened to leave if he didn’t stop drinking. Joe had made the decision to stop drinking because he was devoted to his wife.

Joe and his marriage benefited from his wife’s stand because he treated the situation with the seriousness it deserved and did what he needed to do to get sober.

The couple was married for almost sixteen years before divorcing in 2000. The reason for the divorce isn’t known to the general public.

There are rumors, however, that Mays was having an affair with plastic surgeon Brian Novack, which led to her husband’s divorce.

Namath filed for divorce in Broward County in April 1999, according to the South Florida Sun Sentinel. In addition, he demanded custody of their two daughters.

Mays remarried and divorced in 2008, according to a property listing. Mays obtained the house as part of her second divorce settlement, according to the listing.

Where is Deborah Mays Now? 

Mays has kept her personal life mostly hidden from the public view. She was, however, interested in pursuing a career as a playwright and may be concentrating on that right now.

She is thought to be in good health and in contact with her daughters. Mays took care of her granddaughter Natalia when her daughter Olivia gave birth so that Olivia could complete her education.

Is Joe Namath married or unmarried? Since his divorce from Deborah, the former football player has not remarried and has not been linked to anyone. Deborah Mays is a dedicated employee. Over the years, she has pursued her passion and worked hard to reach her objectives.

Deborah Mays Net Worth 

Deborah’s net worth is believed to be $18 million. Her earnings are based on her acting career and the money she obtained from her divorce settlements. According to Celebrity Net Worth, her ex-husband Joe has a net worth of $25 million.

Deborah Namath Name Change 

The actress has gone by two different names. She went by the names Deborah Lynn Mays, May, and finally Tatiana after being born Deborah Lynn Mays. After her namesake cousin was assassinated, she changed her name to Tatiana, according to People

  • Full name: Deborah Lynn Mays Alias: Tatiana 
  • Date of birth: September 1, 1964 
  • Deborah Mays age: 56 (as of 2021) 
  • Nationality: American Famous as Joe Namath’s ex-wife. 

Is Olivia Namath Married? 

Olivia Namath is married to Edwin Baker III, her long-time boyfriend. They married in June 2014 and have a happy life with their daughter, Natalia Namath, who was born before their marriage in August 2007. She was only 16 years old then 

Joe’s son-in-law, Edwin Barker, has had a number of run-ins with the law, most of which have been related to his unlawful work. He was arrested once for robbing a McDonald’s and getting away with $10,000 by intimidating the manager. In addition, Edwin Barker was arrested and charged with cocaine and marijuana possession.

Despite the fact that Olivia Namath’s spouse, Edwin Barker III, has had numerous legal issues, Joe Namath welcomed him as his son-in-law and attended the wedding. There were barely 12 people in attendance at the wedding.

There is no reliable information concerning Olivia Namath’s meeting with Edwin Barker III or why he chose him as his fiancé. However, given the couple’s chemistry and Joe Namath’s relationship with Edwin Barker, it’s almost certain that they’ll have a long-lasting relationship.

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