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Google cloud compute engine (GCP) is a fully managed cloud platform that powers the most popular applications and infrastructure. The GCP platform provides a managed solution for deploying, operating and securing your applications or workloads across multiple regions in a hybrid environment.

What is a vpc?

A VPC is a virtual private cloud. It’s a logical isolation of your network, allowing you to create multiple, isolated networks within the same region. Each subnet is known as a “VPC,” or Virtual Private Cloud.

A VPC can be created by connecting multiple zones in your AWS account through an internet gateway (IGW). This creates one larger network that contains all the resources from all zones connected together on the same IGW, including DNS Servers and Internet Gateways

Google cloud compute engine and VPCs.

A VPC is a collection of subnets, which are individual networks that can be assigned to different projects.


The term “VPC” comes from the fact that each VPC has its own private IP space (a “private” IP space refers to the fact that no other customer has access), and it’s considered more secure than other types because you control your network segmentation.

In order to use Google Cloud Platform, you must create an account (a free one) and then make sure your organization has access to their cloud resources by creating a subscription plan or purchasing reserved instances.

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Takeaway: Know your vpc.

You’ve just learned a lot about the GCP VPC. Now it’s time to put those new skills into action!

To get started with GCP VPC, you should know:

  • The difference between a public and private vpc. Private vpc means that only your instance can access it—no one else can gain access to its resources or IPs. Public vpc has no such restrictions; anyone who wants to connect to your instance will be able to do so without restriction (unless otherwise specified).
  • What a gateway vpc is and how it works within an existing network setup using traditional networking techniques like NAT or port forwarding on routers/firewalls/etc.. This can be done through either server-side routing protocols like Routing Information Protocol (RIP), distance vector protocols such as OSPFv2+EIGRPv6 etc., or even manually configured routes in Linux systems running C++ binaries which are similar in nature as well as functionality compared against other options listed above
  • What subnets mean when talking about VPCs – there aren’t really any rules here so make sure not just anyone knows what subnets are used because this could lead someone thinking they’re going crazy when really hypnosis isn’t involved at all!”


VPCs are a great way to secure your cloud resources. They also allow you to configure network policies and access control lists, which can be useful if you want to isolate certain workloads (such as databases) from others in your data center. But what does this have anything do with Google Cloud Platform? Well, I hope that this post has given you some ideas of how to apply VPCs within your own company or organization

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