Life is not balanced, I learned not to judge anyone – HR Personnel shares his experience with a job applicant!

A Human Resource (HR) personnel named Ben Ramedani who is also a social media marketing and web development expert shared the story of how he interviewed a job applicant who did quite well in the interview but had a lot of distractions during the exercise which ordinarily might have disqualified him from getting the job/contract.

According to him, the applicant did the interview in a one-room apartment with background noise from his kids and wife.

He also added that the applicant lost all he had after losing his job three years ago.  The HR Personnel said he was moved by his story, he encouraged him and gave the contract eventually. `

See the full story below.

I interviewed a candidate through Skype last week.
During the call, I heard kids crying in the background. His wife was also talking. The experience was too noisy.
The room he sat was clumsy. I was a bit disappointed.
I expected a more professional approach from him.
Somehow, he felt my disappointment while answering my questions and became unsettled. He stuttered several times.
After the interview, I told him I wasn’t impressed with how he presented himself.
He burst into tears, “I am sorry, Sir. I live in a room with my family. There’s nowhere they could have stayed.
“We used to live in a bigger apartment before I lost my job three years ago. This is all I can afford for now. I have failed my family. I know I have.” He said in tears.
I felt bad. I had no idea that he was going through a tough time.
I apologized and encouraged him not to feel heartbroken. After all, he’s trying his best.
Besides, he did well in the interview.
I gave him the contract and asked if he’d like to start next month.
He couldn’t believe it because he thought I was going to dismiss him.
He shouted out for joy, “Hey baby, I got the job.”
I saw his wife came to hug him.
I was moved.
I learned never to judge anyone. Life isn’t balanced. Let’s try to make someone smile.
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