Three dead, one injured in Sports Betting shop in Imo State!

Three persons on Saturday were confirmed dead after an altercation in a football betting shop at Aba branch market in Ehime Mbano local government area of Imo state.

According to the Imo state Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Orlando Ikeokwo, in Owerri, told newsmen that trouble started when one Chidubem Mbamara, played a game of N600 and was only able to pay N150.

The situation heightened when Mbamara, went home came back with some money-making it N550, and said to have promised that he would pay the balance later.

But this did not go down well with the manager of the betting shop, Henry Obi, which result in a noisy argument between them.

Mbamara was said to have been angered to the point he went home returned with a pistol, and said to have shot Obi, in the process the bullets hit one Ebuka, who was said to have died alongside Obi. But Chibuike Iwunze who was also affected is said to be currently receiving medical attention.

However, passersby who were said to be angered by Mbamara’s action mobbed him to death.

The police narrated: “On the 2nd April 2021, at Aba branch satellite market, Ehime Mbano LGA. One Chidubem Mbamara, ‘M’, walked into a Bet shop (BetNaija), played his bet worth six hundred Naira (N600), but unfortunately hadn’t enough money to pay.

He paid one hundred and fifty Naira (N150) and deposited his phone, went home to get some money, on return, he paid four hundred Naira, making it a total of five hundred and fifty Naira (N550), and he promised to pay the balance of fifty Naira(N50) on a later date

This led to a serious altercation between him and one Henry Obi (manager of the betting shop).”

He continued: “Sequel to the altercation, the said Chidubem Mbamara left, only to return some minutes later with a locally made Pistol, he then shot at the said Henry Obi, as a result, three persons were hit by the bullets ie (Henry Obi, Chibuike Iwunze, Ebuka, SURNAME UNKNOWN).

“This act drew the attention of people around, and the mob pounced on Chidubem Mbamara, and beat him to death. However, Henry Obi And Ebuka gave up the ghost while receiving treatment, while Chibuike Iwunze is presently responding to treatment.

The Command, therefore, warns members of the public to desist from taking laws into their hands or engaging in “jungle justice”, but to always endeavor to report matters to the appropriate authorities, for necessary action. Meanwhile, the corpse of the deceased persons has been deposited in the morgue, while investigation has commenced.”

Via Vanguard


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