Are you six feet tall or more? Then this new study says you’re twice likely to have Covid-19!

Are you six feet tall or more? Then this new study says you’re twice likely to have Covid-19!

Tall people could face a greater risk of getting Covid-19, according to research that adds weight to the theory the disease is airborne.

According to the DailyMail, data from 2,000 people in the UK and US showed men above 6ft were twice as likely to be diagnosed with the coronavirus.

The researchers said the findings do not necessarily mean tall people are somehow genetically more vulnerable to the infection.

Instead, the team believe the results indicate Covid-19 spreads through tiny particles called aerosols that linger in the air after being exhaled.

A survey of 2,000 people in the UK and US found the risk of Covid-19 double for people over six feet.

The average man in England was 5ft 9″ (175.3cm) and the average woman was 5ft 3″ (161.6cm) in 2010, according to official data.

The survey results were analysed by a team of data scientists in the UK, Norway and the US, led by experts at the University of Oxford.

Of the 2,000 people surveyed — including 1,000 in the UK and 1,000 in the US, 339 people were over six feet tall.

In the UK, men and women faced more than double the risk of Covid-19 compared to those under six feet.

The odds were slightly lower in the US for men but extremely high for women — who were more than nine times more likely to get the virus.

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