Despite losing 5-0 to Liverpool, See what Ole Gunnar Solskjaer did with Man Utd fans outside Old Trafford! Video!

Manchester United manager, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer didn’t allow the 5-0 thumping he suffered in the hands of arch-rivals Liverpool get to him him, at all.

The Norwegian spent 10 minutes talking selfies with fans and he also signed their autographs.

Manchester United have witnessed dark days at Old Trafford under Ole Gunnar Solksjaer in recent history. The 6-1 loss to Tottenham Hotspur last season comes to mind.

Surely Manchester United fans would have prayed to god not to witness such a day at Old Trafford again but apparently the god they prayed to turn deaf ears to their supplications.

Liverpool didn’t come like a thief in the night, they carried out the annihilation in broad daylight as the home fans at Sir Alex Ferguson Stand and Stretford End watched in agony.

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