Hoodlums attack Complete Sports 

Hoodlums attack Complete Sports 
The head office of Complete Communications Limited, publishers of Complete Sports newspapers in Okota, Lagos, Nigeria has been attacked by hoodlums.

The hoodlums seized on the curfew imposed by the Lagos State Government in the wake of the violence and looting that engulfed the state in the aftermath of the #EndSARS protests in the country, to carry out the attack.

In a signed statement, Group Managing Director of Complete Sports, Dr. Mumini Alao, said: “The hoodlums came very early on Sunday morning, 25 October, 2020. They attacked our office security guards, tied them up and proceeded to ransack several offices in the building. Luckily for us, one of the guards escaped to raise the alarm, thus forcing the fleeing hoodlums to abandon some of their loot, including a Toyota Corolla car, Apple desktop, HP laptop and several GSM phones taken from our premises.

“The incident has been reported at the Okota Police station, while two of our personnel that were injured by the hoodlums have been treated at a private hospital.”

Complete Sports is the pioneer all-sports publication in Nigeria. It was first published in November, 1995 and will clock 25 years on the newsstand next month.

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