Just In: FIFA bans CAF President Ahmad Ahmad for five years! Details 👇

The Fédération of Internationale de Football (FIFA) had slammed the President of the Confederation of African Football, Ahmad Ahmad with a five-year ban.

The World Football governing body in a statement released by its ethics committee found Mr Ahmad Ahmad to have breached some of FIFA’s code of Ethics.  which includes: “art. 15 (Duty of loyalty), art. 20 (Offering and accepting gifts or other benefits) and art. 25 (Abuse of position) of the 2020 edition of the FIFA Code of Ethics, as well as art. 28 (Misappropriation of funds) of the 2018 edition.”

FIFA’s investigations into the dealings of the CAF President also covers some CAF financial issues which include the sponsoring of a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, his involvement with sports equipment company Technical Steel among other issues.

After a detailed hearing of the case by the ethics committee, Ahmad Ahmad was found guilty of receiving cash benefits, mismanagement of funds, and abuse of power with his office as CAF President which contravenes FIFA’s code of Ethics.

Consequently, he has now been banned from all football-related activities both locally and internationally for five years and he is to pay a fine of CHF  200,000.

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