A following the advice of a hairstylist, a mother of two daughters have lost one of them after she applied a local pesticide otherwise known as “sniper” on her.
This was confirmed yesterday in Port Harcourt after Dr Gloria Nwosu, a Paediatrician spoke to Journalists.
She confirmed that the nine-year-old girl died after convulsing for hours but her younger sister who is five years younger than her was saved from the cold hands of death as she rescued by resident doctors at the tteaching hospital in Port Harcourt.
Dr Nwosu said;
Their mother felt that the hairdresser would know what to do since it has to do with lice. We did everything we could to bring the child back to normal, but it was all abortive.
“She (the deceased) was very sick. The second child slumped in our presence and we immediately admitted her and gave her an antidote. So, the question now is how many of these children may have gone through this?” Nwosu said.
It affected her brain because she convulsed for over two hours. Now, there is something we do to check for oxygen saturation; it remained low. It never went back to normal. Then they can have something coming out from their mouth. This child kept pouring out saliva. It never went off until she passed on.