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20+ Ingenious Car Hacks That All Drivers Need To Know

20+ Ingenious Car Hacks That All Drivers Need To Know 2

Toothpaste And Soiled Headlights

You shouldn’t rush to the nearest auto store to get a specific cure for your fogged headlights! Instead, try these tips. If you look about your house, it’s possible you already have something that will solve your problem. Given the presence of mild abrasives in toothpaste, which are designed to clean the enamel of the teeth, it has been discovered that toothpaste is equally effective at cleaning headlights as it is at cleaning teeth. You can restore the clarity of your headlights with a few drops of toothpaste and some elbow grease. (As an aside, this would not necessarily be an effective strategy. ) If the inside of the container is becoming discolored, you may want to consider changing it.

Dirty Headlights And Toothpaste

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