Survival game: 5 things Nigerians can do to cope in these hard times

Survival game: 5 things Nigerians can do to cope in these hard times

Due to the Covid-19 induced lockdown and the attendant hardship, it is necessary for everyone to make critical lifestyle adjustment so as to cope with the economic downturn and stay a step ahead of destitution.

Here are five life hacks you can adopt to survive  Small Hints on Nigeria survival Mode

1) It is the age of the Internet and almost all of us are hooked on Social Media. Some to do business while others use it as a form of distraction to keep their minds off the stark reality of everyday living.

Whatever your reason for using Social Media, you cannot afford to waste scarse resources needlessly. First, you can cut down on your use of Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Use only if they’re a source of income for you in which case they’ll make the money for subscription back. Restrict yourself to Facebook where you can use freemode without paying.

And to conduct your business on WhatsApp, you don’t need to waste thousands on monthly subscription if you can’t afford it. Do the weekly N100 Whatsapp subscription.

And don’t forget to switch off your data plan  when nothing in use.

2) What is the Nigerian without Owambe parties?

We all love to celebrate little and big wins.
However, this is not the time to splurge on that asoebi, no matter the temptation. Open your wardrobe. There will be something suitable for just that occasion. If you cannot match the pocket of your friends, just try and match the colour of the day.

Buy strong, long and durable shoes. Black shoes in particular will maqqtch a lot of colour combinations.

Resist the urge to buy that expensive perfume. You can do without it. Rather buy perfume oil, it lasts longer if used in small dabs.

Only attend important events. It doesn’t make any sense wasting transport fare to go and eat one plate of jollof rice.

3) It’s time to awaken your latent talent and dig another stream of income.

Perfect your skills and render service for payment. Diversify your income source.
You know how to cook? There are very busy professionals who would be interested in home cooking made to specification. Your car can make you cool bucks if you’ll use it for Uber in your spare time.

4) It is never too early to teach financial education to your children. Discuss the harsh economic realities with them and the need to cut down on some demands. That way they won’t keep asking for stuff you can’t afford and they won’t also think you’re being deliberately wicked if you deny them certain requests.

Cut down on junks. Pay the lowest cable subscription. Tell them why they won’t be getting that video game now. You can pool cars with close neighbours for school runs instead of burning fuel twice a day.

5) It may sound like wacky advice but buying your foodstuff like garri, rice, oil, seasonings, crayfish, onions, pepper and beans in bulk is smart spending on the long run.

You’re immune from incessant price hike and, when you’re low on cash, you can always raid your kitchen and rustle up any concotion with the condiments already at home.

Another hack is to cook dual-purpose soups. For example, egusi will taste good on rice as well as on any swallow like amala, eba or semovita.

Finally, be yourself. Do not pretend to be what you’re not to family and friends. Don’t act rich if you’re barely getting by. If you do not have, reach out to trusted people rather than falling into depression.

May God see us through these trying times.

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