Is the “The Black Widow” Griselda Blanco’s son Uber Trujillo still Alive?

Who is Uber Trujillo?

Uber Trujillo is Griselda Blanco’s son. During the 1980s and early 2000s, Uber Trujillo’s mother Blanco, also known as the Black Widow, was a Colombian drug lady of the Medelln Cartel and the Miami-based cocaine drug trade and underworld. On September 3, 2012, she was shot and killed at the age of 69.

Uber Trujillo is Griselda’s second oldest child. Uber Trujillo is not his parents’ only child. He was one of three siblings. Dixon Trujillo is his older brother, and his younger brothers are Osvaldo Trujillo and Michael Corleone Blanco.

Dixon Trujillo and his brother Uber Trujillo

Uber Trujillo was born on what date? Uber Trujillo’s exact birthdate is unknown, but he is thought to have been born in Colombia alongside his brothers. Blanco’s mother’s first husband was Carlos Trujillo. Dixon, Uber, and Osvaldo were their three sons. Uber and his brothers were thought to be uneducated. Uber and his brothers were introduced to the cocaine trade by their mother when they were very young.

Dixon, Uber’s brother, represented the family in San Francisco, transporting 660 pounds of cocaine per month. He was arrested in 1985 and convicted a year later in Miami, along with his mother and Osvaldo. Dixon was serving a ten-year sentence in federal prison.

Uber Trujillo

Rayful Edmond III, an American former drug trafficker in Washington, D.C. in the 1980s, was sentenced to life in prison for running the District’s largest-ever cocaine operation when he met Uber Trujillo’s brothers, Dixon and Osvaldo, who would propel him into a whole new realm of drug dealing.

Dixon, Uber’s older brother, was in the same cellblock as Edmond at the Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary in Pennsylvania. Osvaldo, his brother, was only a cellblock away. According to federal authorities, the three quickly became friends. They had a lot in common, after all. Aside from similar drug-dealing convictions, all three were mama’s boys, raised by tough women who taught them their trade.

Before they were imprisoned, the three men were among the largest cocaine dealers in the country; all three made millions and spent their money lavishly, frequently frequenting the same pricey Beverly Hills stores on Rodeo Drive.

Uber Trujillo

They had never met before, however, until the winter of 1990 in Lewisburg. Lewisburg was teeming with convicted drug dealers at the time, and according to some federal officials, the dealers were doing a brisk business inside the prison, setting up deals for friends on the inside and outside.

Dixon and Osvaldo Trujillo, sons of Griselda Blanco, a leader of a large organization affiliated with the Medellin drug cartel, the original Colombian cocaine-exporting group based in the city of Medellin, were from the supply side of the cocaine world. They would be Edmond’s new Colombian cocaine connection, taking over for his Cali cartel suppliers — a second, upstart cocaine-exporting group that he had helped establish as a major competitor of the Medellin group in this country. Edmond’s Cali suppliers went to prison at the same time he did.

Dixon Trujillo-Blanco and his brother were two years away from parole when Edmond met them, but they had plenty of drug connections to offer. And Edmond had a plethora of eager customers.

The Trujillo-Blanco brothers were released on parole in early 1992 and returned to Colombia. Edmond simply dialed collect calls to Washington area associates, who patched him through to the brothers via conference calls, and the three proceeded with their business.

Edmond persuaded Dixon Trujillo-brother, Blanco’s Osvaldo Trujillo-Blanco, not to kill Jackson and Corbin because they had not paid him for cocaine delivered to them in mid-1992. To compensate for his losses, the Colombian raised his price by $10,000 per kilogram, to $26,000. Osvaldo Trujillo-Blanco, 25, was killed in a Colombian nightclub a few months later. Dixon Trujillo-Blanco was assassinated in Colombia as well.

On the evening of September 3, 2012, she spent $150 at the Cardiso butcher shop on the corner of 29th Street in Medelln. Uber Trujillo’s mother was shot in the head and shoulder by a motorcyclist who entered the shop, killing her at the age of 69. According to Uber Trujillo’s brother, Michael, his mother converted to Christianity.

Is Uber Trujillo still alive?

There is no Uber. Trujillo is no longer alive. He and two of his brothers, Osvaldo and Dixon, are no longer alive. Only Michael Corleone is still alive.

Michael Corleone Blanco, now 42, is the sole survivor, and he tells the Sunday Mirror what it was like growing up with such a notorious crime boss for a mother.

“My mother was no saint,” he says matter-of-factly. She needed to live in order to do her work. However, she was my mother at the end of the day. I will always honor and respect her. “I adore her.”

Griselda, also known as the Black Widow due to the deaths of three husbands, was born in a slum in Medellin, Colombia’s cocaine capital. She broke into the city’s drug cartels 45 years ago by being more enterprising and ruthless than the men, and she is suspected of being involved in 200 murders.

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