Marie Daouda Background, Education, Career, Research Interest, Publications

Who is Marie Daouda?

Marie Daouda is a Stipendiary Lecturer in French at Oriel, where she teaches literature as well as language. Marie Kawthar Douda was born in Morocco, but at the age of 17, she moved to France on her own to pursue her studies.

Marie studied French and English literature at La Sorbonne and the Université de Bretagne Occidentale, where she successfully defended her thesis titled L’Anti-Salomé, représentations de la bienveillante féminité au temps de la Décadence.

This monograph examines the presence of benevolent feminine figures in fin-de-siècle novels, as well as the complexities of archetypal figures such as the martyr, the fairy, or the prostitute as agents of revival after a time of crisis, to question the decadent cliché of the femme fatale.

Marie Douda

The ideas of St John Henry Newman, René Girard, St Edith Stein, and C.S. Lewis have influenced Dr Marie Daouda’s writings. She participates in public debates about free speech, race, and artistic heritage, and she defends the importance of preserving the past as a school of thought and making what we know about it integrally available to all. Education is more than just the transmission of information: in a world hostile to any form of inner life, education should allow us to benefit from humanity’s search for meaning and truth.

Marie Douda Research Interest

Marie Douda’s research focuses on the epic mode’s crisis. Garnier will publish her second book project, Blessings and Curses: Desperate Prayer in French Literature from Baudelaire to Bernanos.

She has published a number of articles in anthologies and peer-reviewed journals, the majority of which deal with the connections between authorship, authority, and legitimacy in creative writing; the influence of liturgy and the bible on literature; echoes of Antiquity in French Decadence; forgotten fin-de-siècle writers; and links between French and Victorian writers from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century.

Marie Douda

Marie Douda is fascinated by the connections between music, painting, and writing, as well as the influence of science on literature and 19th-century lifestyles.

She also enjoys translating and is currently working on a French version of Marie Corelli’s best-selling Victorian gothic novel The Sorrows of Satan.

Marie Douda Publications

  • La Fabrique de la criminelle de Baudelaire à Bernanos’, Actes du colloque ‘Figures et personnages de criminelles des histoires tragiques au roman policier’ (Rouen: Presses de l’Université de Rouen, 2018), forthcoming
  • ‘Du Crucifié à la crucifiée’, Actes du Colloque ‘De Gethsémani au Golgotha: la Passion dans les arts et la littérature’, forthcoming
  • ‘Du jardin au cimetière: Botanique, discipline et gestion du deuil dans le roman d’éducation pour filles (1860-1910)’, Actes du colloque ‘Emotions, Sentiments, Passions’, Presses de l’Université de Lille, forthcoming
  • ‘L’Effet Wagner: Jouissance auditive, voyeurisme et théorie esthétique dans le roman wagnérien (1880-1890)’, Actes de la journée d’études ‘Écouter est un art, figures d’auditeurs au XIXe siècle’, revue Silène, 2018, forthcoming
  • Le De Profundis des poètes maudits: réécriture des psaumes et sublimation de l’enfermement chez Baudelaire, Verlaine et Wilde’, Graphè, n°27, Artois Presses Université, Arras, 2018, pp. 171-189
  • ‘Recréer au féminin au lendemain de la Décadence: Variations historiques sur la féminité sacrificielle chez Jean Bertheroy’, L’Esprit Créateur, ‘Femmes Créa(c)tives: Francophone Women’s Creativity in its Socio-Political Contexts’, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, n°52, vol.2, Summer 2018, pp. 9-22, available online:
  • ‘Byronic Authority in Petticoats: Marie Corelli’s Improvisations on Byron’s Themes‘,  Byron Journal, (Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, n°46, vol. 2, 2018), pp. 139-146, available online :
  • Dandys, esthètes et névropathes: Drogués d’art dans le sillage de Baudelaire (1880-1900)’, Cahiers ERTA, n°7, ‘Addictions’, 2015, pp. 25-4
  • Robert Elsmere de Mary Humphry Ward: Roman sur Renan, roman renanien’, Études renaniennes, n°117, 2016, pp. 75-98
  • ‘Dandysme, crise du modèle épique et crise sacrificielle : Psycho(patho)logie du héros fin-de-siècle dans sa volonté d’être unique’, Carnets, “Théorie mimétique et études littéraires”, n°12, 2018, pp. 165-181, available online:

Marie Douda Career and Net Worth

Marie Douda has been lecturing at the Oriel College, the University of Oxford for a while. Her earnings or net worth is not available but she must be earning well being a lecturer at one of the most famous universities in the world.

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