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Bird Symbolism: 10 common birds and what each of them symbolizes. 

Bird Symbolism: 10 common birds and what each of them symbolizes.  2

Bird Symbolism: 10 common birds and what each of them symbolizes. 

In this part of the world, birds are not just seen as animals that roam the sky or build nests on tree branches now and then, they are seen as sacred animals. 

Birds, in a fetish point of view, are used by humans with diabolical intentions to mask their identities when carrying out evil activities. 

However, birds carry significant meanings and representations not just in ancient times but also in the present-day scheme of things. 


The Dove for instance has been said to be a representation of peace and tranquility in biblical terms. It is also believed to represent the presence of God’s Holy Spirit. 

The bird that brought Noah the Olive branch after the end of the legendary flood according to biblical doctrine can be seen as the bringer of life, a new beginning, hope, and assurance. 

Bird Symbolism varies in different regions and cultures. So some species of birds carry different interpretations. 

This piece on Bird Symbolism focuses on different kinds of birds, what they represent generally, and the meaning they carry based on different cultures or periods. 

  • The Owl 

Bird Symbolism

The Owl is a night bird. It symbolizes sheer intelligence and wisdom and schools tend to use the image of an owl to represent the aforementioned qualities. They are also seen as great thinkers.

Owls’ ability to fly and hunt effortlessly in the dark is seen as a representation of their magical and mysterious nature.

Despite these fascinating features, the owl is seen as a symbol of misfortune and death in some cultures. However, the white owl is seen as a representation of perseverance and intelligence.


In native American society, the owl is seen as a guardian angel that escorts the dead to the afterlife by some tribes while in Celtic culture, the owl is seen as a strong warrior and an unrepentant defender of honor.

2. The Eagle

Bird Symbolism

Eagles are generally to be a bird of good omen or will among many cultures across the world. It is seen as a symbol of sheer vision or foresight, sheer strength, power, and agility.


The image of an Eagle is most found in the badges of some militaries in the world as well as the national flags of some countries.

The Eagle is also seen as a symbol of victory and freedom. They also mean truth, honesty, wisdom, and prosperity.

3. Raven

Bird Symbolism: 10 common birds and what each of them symbolizes.  3


The Raven has different symbolism in different cultures. While it is seen as an epitome of death and sickness by some people, others consider it to be a messenger of guidance and a representation of wisdom. Norse Mythology considers Ravens as intuitive birds.

The ancient Greek and Roman people see Raven as an emblem of light and wisdom and just like the Japanese and Chinese, they also associate Ravens with the sun.

Perhaps one of the reasons why Ravens are seen to be evil and carriers of bad omen is because they mostly feed on decayed flesh. Another reason is because of their all back appearance.

4. The Hummingbird Bird


Bird Symbolism: 10 common birds and what each of them symbolizes.  4

The Hummingbird is one of the smallest birds in the world. It’s beautiful and as well charming. It is capable of flying long distances which is why one of its symbolism is that of perseverance.

Due to the way the Hummingbird flies, it represents eternity and infinity.

When you come across a Hummingbird, you should expect good fortune, peace, joy, and happiness to come your way.


In some Native American tribes, the Hummingbird is seen as a messenger of healing which cures people of their various ailments while in Asia they are associated with good luck and prosperity.

5. Dove

Bird Symbolism

Doves represent calmness, peace, and love. They are carriers of peace and they are generally regarded as birds of good omen. They are found in many cultures and religions. Doves are one of the few birds that carry a universal symbol.


6. Phoenix

Bird Symbolism: 10 common birds and what each of them symbolizes.  5

One of the most significant birds in ancient times. It is seen as an immortal bird that represents new life or a new beginning. The Phoenix is said to have longevity and when it does by fire, it comes back to life from its ashes after five centuries. It also represents transformation. 

7. Bluebird


Bird Symbolism: 10 common birds and what each of them symbolizes.  6

An epitome of beauty and elegance, the bluebird is one of the most gorgeous birds that row the sky. Its striking blue color is noticeable even when it flies in the blue sky. The bluebird symbolizes happiness, joy, tranquility, and harmony.

The bluebird among the Navajo and Iroquois tribes means fertility and fortune. When one comes across a bluebird, then it is the case that something good is about to happen.




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